The Respiratory Effectiveness Groups looks to a future with real-world evidence
A global not-for profit, collaboration of clinicians, scientists and epidemiologists, working together to identify and fulfil the real-life research needs in respiratory medicine and advocating for change to drive improved patient management.
Our Goal
To transform respiratory patient care by maximising/exploiting/utilising real-life research & evidence
What we want to do
To integrate real-life evidence into clinical practice guidelines, policy and budgetary decision-making for the benefit of all stakeholders in respiratory medicine.
REG Strategy
REG will achieve its goal by:
- Nurturing an international network of primary and secondary care respiratory experts with an interest and expertise in real-life research
- Establishing alliances with partner organizations (e.g. APSR, ATS, EACCI, ENCePP, ERS, ESPACOMP, IPCRG, IPSE, ISPOR, patient organisations)
- Using RWE to address current key questions in respiratory medicine and impact on relevant international guidelines and health policies
- Act as a think-tank to meet challenges in respiratory medicine in a pragmatic way
- Together, REG collaborators, partners and supporters, will implement a multi-faceted programme of activities aimed at improving the understanding of respiratory medicine
REG direction and philosophy
- REG leads the development and promotion of high-quality real-life collaborative research in respiratory medicine
- Setting quality standards
- Real-life research studies, especially database studies, comparative effectiveness research and pragmatic clinical studies
- Databases to be used in real-life observational research
- Use of real-life research by guidelines developers and decision-makers
- Publication of real-life research protocols and results
- Assessment of real-life research protocols and results
- Academic partner to the International Severe Asthma Registry (ISAR)
- Developing and assessing methods used in real-life research
e.g. bias reduction, patient selection, outcome measures
- Providing advice and methodological help to researchers developing real-life research projects
Operational Objectives
- Identify and prioritise the real-life RESEARCH NEEDS in each area of respiratory medicine
- Stimulate and drive and/or facilitate the development of collaborative real-life research projects to address the identified needs
- Change the perception of real-life research from “the inside”
- Grow and sustain an international collaboration of clinical and scientific expertise in real-life research, meeting and working together either wholly as REG, or in designated Working Groups
- Trigger, facilitate and nurture the development of networks of partners and supporters involved in real-life observational research, (academic researchers, industry, service providers, guideline developers, decision makers, regulatory agencies, editors, funding agencies, scientific societies, institutional bodies, patients’ organisations) to improve levels of expertise and support the research need initiatives.
- Advocate change to the way journals, guideline bodies and regulatory authorities appraise evidence to better integrate high-quality real-life data into recommendations, clinical decisions and policy making
- Define and set quality standards for real-life research in respiratory medicine, through per protocol historic cohort analyses (database studies) and pragmatic clinical studies
- Develop, assess and standardise coding and methodology used in real-life research
- Develop rational prescribing pathways and clinical management & decision support tools
- Drive the publication and appreciation of real-life research validity by
- Quality publications in high impact journals
- Incorporation of real-life research into guideline development and health care resource utilisation decision makers
- Be the “Go to” organisation for advice, assistance and training on real-life research in respiratory medicine