Towards Optimum Reporting of Pulmonary Effectiveness Databases and Outcomes (TORPEDO): identifying a core dataset for asthma and COPD studies
TORPEDO (Towards Optimum Reporting of Pulmonary Effectiveness Databases and Outcomes) was a collaborative project between the Global Alliance for Chronic Disease (GACD) and the Respiratory Effectiveness Group (REG). The study used a modified Delphi design to develop checklists of the optimum and minimum required variables for asthma and chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) research studies.
Initially a panel of 22 REG experts generated a list of 224 variables they considered optimum for respiratory studies. In phase 2 a panel of 64 participants from across the GACD and REG networks completed an online survey to select the minimum variables that they felt were required for any respiratory study. In the final phase 34 members of the panel completed voting to select a set of minimum variables required for specific study designs.
The panel reached a consensus on 13 variables for retrospective asthma studies and 34 for prospective asthma studies. For COPD studies, 16 variables were selected for retrospective studies and 37 for prospective studies. Gender, exacerbations and patient-reported outcomes were the only variables with 100% agreement for both asthma and COPD studies.
The proposed list of minimally required variables generated by this research will aid the assessment of current data sources for their utility in asthma and COPD studies and standardization of data collection. This will improve research efficiency, replicability and transparency and facilitate the sharing, merging and comparison of datasets.